Our Classes
Join Our Dance Community
Tybee Ballet Theatre strives to teach a mixture of artistry, athleticism and culture, and help each of our dancers grow their movement skills over the course of time. For this reason, we offer classes ranging from the beginner to professional level in a variety of dance styles. Take a look at what we offer below to find the right fit for you!

Ages 3-5
Welcome tiny dancers! This class will begin in a circle warm-up then travel around the room working through different cognitive skills via imagination, music, and movement. Students will build a tool box of technique and confidence to move + sharpen their gross motor skills and creativity.
Must be fully potty trained to participate.
Dress Code: Light pink leotard. Pink footed tights and pink ballet shoes. Dance skirts permitted. Hair worn up in a tight bun or ponytail. If hair is too short to be pulled back completely, please make sure your child’s hair is pulled away from their face.

Primary Ballet
Ages 5-7
This class is designed for those students ready for the discipline and structure of a ballet class and are ready to learn basic technique and skills at the barre. This class works as a buffer to prepare our students for Level 1 and beyond.
Dress Code: Light blue leotard. Pink convertible tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. No skirts or warm ups please. Ballet sweaters permitted for cold weather days.

Level I
Ages 6 &UP
This class is for beginner dancers and those looking to build basic ballet technique. This class is designed to build basic technique, body awareness, and rhythm. Students will be trained in classical ballet technique, as well as in intro into modern and jazz dance. No previous training required.
Dress Code: Burgundy leotard. Pink convertible tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Ballet skirts or warm ups may be worn with teacher’s discretion. Ballet sweaters permitted for cold weather days.

Level 1x
This class is for beginner dancers and those looking to continue to obtain dance technique. This class is designed to build basic technique, body awareness, and rhythm. Students will be trained in classical ballet technique, beginner modern and jazz dance. Prerequisite: Level I
Dress Code: Burgundy leotard. Pink convertible tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Ballet skirts or warm ups may be worn with teacher’s discretion. Ballet sweaters permitted for cold weather days.
Burgandy or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.
Burgandy or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, barefoot, unless instructed by your instructor. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.

Level 2
Ages 8 & UP
This class is for dance students with some previous ballet training. This class is designed to dive deeper into Balanchine style ballet technique and placement along with modern and jazz dance skills. Students will study more integrated techniques as well as artistry and musicality. Prerequisite: Level 1x
Dress Code- Ballet Dark teal leotard. Pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Short ballet skirts and ballet warm ups permitted with teacher’s discretion.
Dark teal or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.
Dark teal or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, barefoot, unless instructed by your instructor. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.

Level 2x
This class is for dance students with some previous ballet, jazz, and modern training. This class is designed to dive deeper into Balanchine style ballet technique and placement along with new modern and jazz dance skills. Students will study more integrated techniques as well as artistry and musicality. Prerequisite: Level 2
Dress Code- Ballet Dark teal leotard. Pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Short ballet skirts and ballet warm ups permitted with teacher’s discretion.
Dark teal or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.
Dark teal or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, barefoot, unless instructed by your instructor. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.

Level 3
This class is for dance students with intermediate level ballet training. Pre-pointe class included during instruction and/or beginner pointe class for those who are starting en pointe. Students will study intermediate level skills in ballet, modern, and jazz as well as musicality, performance artistry, and improvisation. This class requires Level 2x as a pre-requisite or adequate level of appropriate training.
Dress Code- Ballet Black leotard. Pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Short ballet skirts and ballet warm ups permitted with teacher’s discretion.
Black or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.
Black or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, barefoot, unless instructed by your instructor. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.

Level 3x
This class is for dance students with intermediate/advanced level ballet training. Dancers must be en pointe to enroll in this class. Students will study intermediate level skills in ballet, modern, and jazz as well as musicality, performance artistry, and improvisation. Students will study multiple styles and techniques from renowned choreographers and artists in all 3 dance disciplines. This class requires Level 3 as a pre-requisite or adequate level of appropriate training.
Dress Code- Ballet Black leotard. Pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Short ballet skirts and ballet warm ups permitted with teacher’s discretion.
Black or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.
Black or any solid color leotard. Pink/Black tights, barefoot, unless instructed by your instructor. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.
Junior Company
Ages 12 – 17
Junior Company: Ages 12 – 17 yrs. Junior company dancers are accepted by audition only in January of each year. These dancers represent our most advanced students who maintain a high level of commitment to their art and TBT. Jr. Company dancers are considered for Company level roles when applicable, and support our younger dancers by offering their time, energy, and talent to aiding our younger classes during the season.

Adult Beginner Ballet
Ages 16 & UP
Have you ever wanted to try ballet, but feel it’s too late to learn? This is the class for you! Whether you are an alumni dancer looking for a fun hour in the studio, or never stepped foot in a ballet classroom this class incorporates basic ballet technique and classical choreography to create a well rounded ballet class– And a good workout too! Class begins with a little floor work, a full barre, and combinations across the floor. Come dance with us! Beginners welcome and encouraged!

Adult Modern
Ages 16 & UP
This is a beginner level adult modern dance class. Class will be structured around various modern dance techniques and introduce students to this creative and free flowing form of dance.

Company Class
Ages 18 & UP
This class will alternate between a full 90 minute ballet, modern, or jazz dance class. This class is open to current company members only. Inquire for more information or to audition for our company.
Class Schedule
Classes at Tybee Arts Association
Pink background indicates Adult Classes
Blue background indicates classes held at the YMCA (Room 8)
4:00 – 5:00pm
Ballet / Modern 1x
Emily Liebtag
5:00 – 6:00pm
Jazz 2
Danielle Wiltse
6:00 – 7:30pm
Level 1 (YMCA)
Greta Valeyko
6:00 – 8:30pm
Ballet 3 / Modern 3
Danielle / Emily
4:00 – 5:00pm
Ballet 2x
Kate Petit
5:00 – 6:00pm
Modern 2x
Greta Valeyko
6:00 – 8:30pm
Ballet / Modern 3x
Kate / Greta
9:00am – 10:15am
4:00 – 5:00pm
Bitties (YMCA)
Britt Bacon
4:00 – 5:00pm
Ballet 2
Kate Petit
5:00 – 6:00pm
Modern 2
Emily Liebtag
5:00 – 6:15pm
Primary (YMCA)
6:00 – 7:30pm
Ballet / Jazz 3
Kate / Danielle
7:30 – 9:00pm
Adult Ballet
Kate / Danielle
9:15am – 10:30am
4:00 – 5:00pm
Ballet / Jazz 1x
4:00 – 5:00pm
Ballet 2x
5:00 – 6:00pm
Jazz 2x
Britt Bacon
6:00 – 8:30pm
Ballet / Jazz 3x
Danielle / Britt
8:30am – 10:30am
Company Class
5:00 – 6:30pm
Jr. Company
9:00am – 10:30am
Ballet 3/3x – Conditioning
Classes at the YMCA
classes at the YMCA are in Room 8
Bitties: Wednesday at 4:00 – 5:00pm (Britt Bacon/Assistant)
Primary: Wednesday at 5:00 – 6:15pm (Danielle/Assistant)
Level 1: Monday at 6:00 – 7:30pm (Greta/Assistant)
Level 1x (Ballet/Jazz 1x): Thursday 4:00 – 5:00pm

Boys Class
Are you interested in a boy’s class? Please complete the interest form so we can bring this back!
Tybee Ballet Theatre Scholarship Fund
TBT is proud to offer equal and inclusive opportunities to all prospective and current students. We are currently accepting sponsorships if you or your business is interested in supporting the performing arts on Tybee.
If you would like more information on Tybee Ballet Theatre’s Scholarship Fund, please complete our TBT Scholarship Agreement Form and email your completed application to [email protected]
Tybee Workstudy Program
Tybee Ballet Theatre offers inclusive and professional dance education opportunities to the youth of our community regardless of financial status. Our scholarship and work study program awards students full or partial paid tuition for the entire dance year, regardless of sponsorship or funding.“Dance for all!”
To enroll in our Workstudy Agreement Program please complete the application and email the completed form to [email protected]
School Rules and Policies
Arrival Procedures
Please arrive on time! Punctuality is crucial in order to properly and safely run our dance classes and respect everyone’s time. Please try to arrive at least 5-10 mins prior to your class time.
For our younger students, parents may enter the studio during our beginning months to get students used to class, but are not required to. Otherwise, parents are not allowed to observe during class time unless asked by the instructor.
Class Procedures
Class size will be limited to 8-10 dancers. Water bottles and dance shoes/attire are the only personal items allowed in the classroom. Dance bags will be kept in a personal cubby. Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home unless it is a “stuffy” to watchClasses will be dismissed from the dance room at the designated end time of their class to safely line up for pick up.
Parents please DO NOT enter the studio to pick up your child! Students will exit the building and will be instructed to wait on the boardwalk until they see their parents in the parking lot. For Bitties and Primary, you may meet them outside the door at room 8.
We know this is different, but our class time is very precious and very meticulously scheduled to give each class their full amount of instruction time. In the current space we utilize, we do not have 4 walls. We have a curtain. So, when parents and siblings are in the building in between class times, it makes our class changes very loud, very slow, and very distracting for our students coming in.
Illness Procedures
If you have a cough, fever, or are sick please stay home. Even though we want you to attend every class, we don’t want you to attend sick. This puts your health and the health of others at risk around you. Please do not send your child to class if they are feeling unwell.
Attendance and Tardiness
Good attendance is imperative to the growth and success of your student. Please make every effort to attend every class. Missed classes may not be deducted from tuition payments.
Payment and Late Fees
There is a registration fee of $30 per new family at the start of the season. Registration fees for returning families is $15/per season. Payments are collected on a month to month basis and due at the 1st of the month. We accept credit card payments by invoice or automated invoice, cash, check, or Venmo. A late fee of $15 will be applied to your account if payment is received after the 15th of the month.
For adult classes, we offer monthly payments, class cards, or Drop-In Rate due at time of attendance.
If you withdraw from Tybee Ballet Theatre for any reason, it is your responsibility to contact the studio immediately. We appreciate your commitment to our program participation and tuition payments to our school.
Dress Code
Proper uniform is required for all classes. We believe proper dance attire and uniformity creates a professional and disciplined environment for our students. It is also very important for the teacher to be able to observe and correct students’ alignment. This cannot be done if students are wearing baggy or insufficient dance wear to class.
Our students are expected to provide, at their own expense, proper attire and footwear for all classes. This includes but is not limited to, leotard, tights, dance shoes, and hair accessories. Students must abide by the designated hair and dress requirements for the class they will be attending.
Failure to adhere to our school dress code will result in a warning. At the second offense, you will be asked to change and use something from our community box to attend class. Having students in the proper dress code requires a joint effort from parent and student.
TBT keeps a community dance box with gently used dance attire and shoes in our studio at all times. Please feel free to look through and take what you need and give back what does not fit anymore. These community dancewear boxes stay full because you guys bring in dance gear that no longer serves your family. So awesome! Let’s keep the reusing going and be respectful of the items donated.
Light pink leotard. Pink footed tights and pink ballet shoes. Dance skirts permitted. Hair worn up in a tight bun or ponytail. If hair is too short to be pulled back completely, please make sure your child’s hair is pulled away from their face.
Primary Ballet
Light blue leotard. Pink convertible tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. No skirts or warm ups please. Ballet sweaters permitted for cold weather days.
Ballet I /Ballet Ix
Burgundy leotard. Pink convertible tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Ballet skirts or warm ups may be worn with teacher’s discretion. Ballet sweaters permitted for cold weather days.
Ballet II Ballet IIx
Dark teal leotard. Pink tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Short ballet skirts and ballet warm ups permitted with teacher’s discretion.
Ballet III/Ballet IIIx
Black leotard. Pink/Black tights and pink ballet shoes. Hair worn up in a tight bun. Short ballet skirts and ballet warm ups permitted with teacher’s discretion
The designated ballet leotard for your level or any solid colored leotard. Pink/Black tights, jazz shoes or ballet slippers. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.
The designated ballet leotard for your level or any solid colored leotard. Pink/Black tights, barefoot, unless instructed by your instructor. Hair worn in tight bun or ponytail.
Boys’ Class
White or black fitted T-Shirt. Black bike shorts, tights, or leggings. Black ballet shoes. Hair worn out of the face and eyes.
- All students are REQUIRED to wear proper cover up and/or street attire over their dancewear to and from the dance studio. (This is simply for safety.)
- Students must refrain from walking outside in their dance shoes. It ruins them!
- There is to be no jewelry worn during any dance class. Exceptions include stud earrings. Please make sure jewelry is removed before entering the studio so that it is not lost
- There should be no chewing gum in classes.
- WATER ONLY in the studio. Please do not bring sports drinks or juice of any kind. If a student has multiple classes that day a healthy snack is permitted before and after class start time. Please remind your student to not leave a mess, or walk around eating a snack.
- Please send your student with water to every class! We cannot provide water for students every class and we do not have a water fountain.