Sophia Morekis is a Savannah native, a lover of music and art, and proud cat mom. She began dancing at the age of three and dove headfirst into all things dance and art. As the years passed, she took on more of choreographer role, having numerous dances of her creation performed starting at the age of 8. She attended Savannah Arts Academy as a dance major, which offered her many
performance and outreach opportunities.
Sophia ventured off to Atlanta for college at Georgia State University. At this point, dance took a backseat to her many other pursuits. She graduated as a Media Entrepreneurship major, studying music business primarily. She’s drawn to the music industry for many of the same reasons she’s drawn to dance: the creative opportunities, the showmanship, and the community.
After beating an eating disorder that persisted throughout and after college, Sophia values joyful movement, self-compassion, and body positivity. Finding dance again helped her heal immensely, both physically and mentally. She also found her place within the music industry, and currently manages local Savannah band The Maxines.
Sophia is an avid collector of vinyl, band tshirts, and true crime books! And of course, she always takes the time for self compassion and spontaneous dance parties in her tiny house.